Yin and individual assistance and alignment

20 Hours accredited Yin yoga teacher training.

Next training opportunity

Central Coast: TBA

Reach out for interest!

Teacher: Mysan Sidbo International Yin yoga teacher and yoga teacher educator

This training is designed to share light on how to assist each individual to their best benefit. How to reach each student so they can be in the physical purpose of the pose, as deep as they need to go, in that very moment. How to be confident from a great knowledge base, when moving around the yoga room helping students. 

A hands on training providing an experience on a ‘feel’ and embodied level as well as a cognitive level to establish thorough understanding.

In a nutshell it is about...

  • How to ‘read’ the students to gain understanding on who needs assistance.
  • Physical and energetic ‘reading’ of the students to know how to approach them, and help them.
  • How to build trust with a student to be able to assist them
  • How to assist in different poses
  • How to align each individual in different poses
  • Building confidence. Becoming confident with aligning, assisting and changing students poses.
  • How to use props to increase the physical purpose of the pose
  • Why do we use props in Yin yoga?
  • How to touch students in a class. When and who should we use touch / hands on techniques on.
  • The healing touch.
  • Gain understanding on how to never assume a thing, and always respect our students.


Investment for the student: $599 early bird or full price $899

This is an accredited training and the participant will receive a 20 hour Yin yoga TT diploma if the trainings is successfully completed.

Pre-requisite: A successfully completed Yin yoga teacher training. This is further training for Yin yoga teachers.

Approximately 3 hours pre study (before the face to face weekend) and 3 hours post study (after the face to face weekend)is needed for completing this training successfully

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